How it works

1. Add

Add texts & YouTube videos to your Aprelendo library using our extensions. You can can also upload ebooks and texts from RSS feeds.

2. Read

Read your texts and video transcripts in our clutter-free reader. Look up words you don't know in your favorite dictionaries and get cues of the learning status of each word.

3. Learn

Our assisted learning method will help you to improve not only your reading comprehension but also your listening, speaking and writing skills. Check more on this on our total reading section.

Open source

Aprelendo is open source software, meaning you can download and fiddle with its source code. This allows us to be super transparent and build a community of users and developers. With some technical knowledge, you can even build your own Aprelendo environment.

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Total Reading

Our language learning system is aimed especially (though not exclusively) at users with a beginner-intermediate level upwards. Complete beginners may encounter difficulties in this system, but it is very beneficial for those who are on a learning "plateau" or anyone seeking to improve their language skills.

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Use it on any device

You can use Aprelendo on mobile and desktop devices as long as they have an Internet connection. We offer addons for Firefox, Chrome and Edge to easily add texts to your library, as well as bookmarklets for those who prefer a browser agnostic solution.

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